Unlock the Power of Sound
As part of my professional Diploma in group sound therapy, with the British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST), I am looking for people to participate in sound baths, rhythm of life sessions and drum journeys.
Spaces will be limited, so sign up here to get early access to dates.
There are many benefits to health and well-being that can be achieved with therapeutic sound, including reduced stress, anxiety, muscle tension, physical pain, and an increased sense of well-being and positive mood.
Some sessions will be focused on relaxation, others will go deeper into the healing benefits with time for reflection to maximise the therapeutic effects.

The Sound Bath Experience: Benefits & Essentials
What is the BAST Method and is it backed by Science?
The BAST method has been refined by the British Academy of Sound Therapy since its inception in 1994. It is a method that uses certain instruments in specific ways to maximise therapeutic effects and induce altered states of consciousness where healing can occur. This could be as a relaxation session, or a session with reflection which enables us to work on something specific or gain insight into an area of resistance in our lives. The reflective technique we use is known as the '7Rs Method of Experiential Processing' and includes; Resonance, Resistance, Responsibility, Reflection, Recognition, Reframing, and Release.
BAST conduct ongoing development and research into Sound Therapy as a modality for healing and multiple papers are published on their website. In addition to their research, hundreds of published scientific studies show that participants experience reduced fatigue, anxiety, anger, tension, physical pain and depression, whilst improving their sense of well-being, and overall mood. There have been studies on everything from fibromyalgia to parkinsons and some of my own case studies will be part of a research project on improving sleep difficulties. Whether your ears hear the sound or not, the cells of your body will feel the vibration.